Episode 25: My Summer of COVID


I was a little bit worried about doing this episode because this year has been so tough for so many people. My generation hasn’t experienced anything like what has happened this year.

As a travel agent, my business took a major hit when the travel industry came to a halt.

Despite all of this, I took it upon myself to make some changes in my life and have a positive outlook. This is how I made the best of it…

[03:12] Getting out of the house
I’m so used to being between an office and home, and working on my travel business and my 9-to-5 job. I never really focused much on what was happening all around me outdoors.

[05:17] This podcast!
I’m one of those people that listens to podcasts all the time, and I like to talk about travel, so I took Pat Flynn’s Power-Up Podcasting class and decided to start my own podcast.

Yes, I started a travel podcast in the middle of Covid-19 when all travel was shut down.

[06:32] Discovering Pat Flynn
If you don’t already, go and follow Pat Flynn on social media!
I discovered his daily Income Stream on YouTube – he’s been going live EVERY DAY. It’s a free stream that he does to help people with their businesses, and I’ve become part of a whole community of like-minded people that I can talk to about entrepreneurship.

[09:32] The Miracle Morning
Pat Flynn recommended the book, The Miracle Morning, by Hal Elrod, and it has changed my summer. It led me to start a morning routine during quarantine, and I’ve gone through 8 more books!

[11:07] I found my people and did new things in Nashville
I’ve never really gone out looking for things to do in my home town of Nashville. But I joined a group that catered to individuals that enjoy being active called Abundant Life Adventure Club. This summer, I went stand-up paddle boarding, kayaking, horseback riding, and I even went on a pontoon boat one evening.

[13:40] I got a blow-up pool
Of all the purchases in 2020, this was by far the best one.
COVID was not about to take away my vacation experiences. I had my bathing suit on, the music was playing, and I had my own bottle service. My imagination was just flourishing and I went all in with the vacation experience in my backyard pool.

[16:13] I discovered a lot about myself
Since quarantine started, I’ve changed so much. I started developing some new good habits, and I’ve been letting go of some bad habits.
This summer has been full of self-improvement, new relationships, exciting business adventures, and just all the fun.

My pastor, Bishop Joseph Warren Walker III of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, said, “You have to embrace the blessing of becoming.” He also said, “How you look at a situation determines how you come out of your situation.

I have embraced the blessing of who I have become, and I decided to have a positive outlook.

I am not blind to everything that has happened in 2020—the lives lost, the jobs lost and the hardships that 2020 has brought to so many people and businesses. My business made zero dollars in 2020.

And although I found myself constantly feeling bad every time I was happy about what was happening, in my life, during 2020, I finally had to realize that it is okay to be happy.

I finally got to live my best life working from home, and when travel opened up again I was working from different locations. I got to meet people from all over the world, and I got to explore my own backyard and hometown.

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2 thoughts on “Episode 25: My Summer of COVID

  • Pamela Phillips

    Love your testimony!! I have to agree i have enjoyed the quarantined summer too!! I still went out of the home for work, but still had more time to myself to focus and do things for me. I didn’t have to worry about planning a birthday dinner, travel for anyone else, or etc. I was and still am on vacation!!
    Positivity and hope were my intention words and they still are this year!! I never even thought to listen to podcasts until you introduced it to me. I have done more exploring with podcasts or YouTube because of you. Keep the podcast coming, you have know idea how you have or may change someone’s life.

    • Yassss, positivity and hope! Great intentions! Thank you so much for the words of encouragement to continue on. Yes, explore some podcast. I listen to several. I love them. You might like Club House too.

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