Episode 32: A Fairytale Vacation

Episode 32: A Fairytale Vacation

[podcast_subscribe id="715"] Today, I talk to Mindy Marzec from This Fairytale Life. She is an avid Disney fan and full-time blogger – she even got to fulfill her lifelong dream of having a Disneyland Fairy Tale wedding! Her Disney knowledge is truly amazing, so this episode will answer all the questions you may have, and so much more! Highlights from this episode [02:17] Disney adults. More adults than children are repeat guests at Disney theme parks. Mindy’s love for Disney stems from her early travels when her parents would take her to Disneyland every year, and from a constant connection to Disney whether through watching the movies growing up or having Disney merchandise in her room. [04:51] Mandy’s Disney love story. Did you know that you can get married at…
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Episode 31:  Fletcher Cleaves…From Tragedy to Triumph

Episode 31: Fletcher Cleaves…From Tragedy to Triumph

[podcast_subscribe id="715"] In Episode 31, I talk to Fletcher Cleaves. He has an incredible story – his life was going perfectly, until a horrible accident changed his life forever. His story is one of tragedy, but also one of hope and empowerment, and he’s on a mission to share it with the world one trip at a time. Highlights from this episode: [03:11] Fletcher’s travel history. Fletcher’s early travel was mainly family reunion road trips to St. Louis, Minnesota, New Orleans, and Chicago. He currently travels much more extensively for his YouTube channel and motivational talks. [04:50] Fletcher’s story. In early 2009, Fletcher graduated high school and received a football scholarship for Lambuth University. After training for several months, on September 10th of 2009, he was involved in a car…
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Episode 30: The Value of Travel from a Life Coach

Episode 30: The Value of Travel from a Life Coach

Featuring Julie Delucca-Collins [podcast_subscribe id="715"] In episode 30, I talk to Julie DeLucca-Collins about her travels around the world for business and leisure, as well as her work as a life coach helping people reach the goals they thought were impossible. [03:12] Julie’s travel journey. Julie took her first airplane trip when she was just 3 months old. Since then, she has travelled to over 25 countries. Originally from El Salvador, she would travel to various cities in the US to visit family throughout her childhood. As a senior executive of her company, she was able to travel regularly around the US on business trips. [08:52] Turning a business trip into a vacation. Some days are better to travel than others. Most business travellers tend to leave on a Monday…
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[podcast_subscribe id="715"] I know. Another episode about packing. However, it is one of the most requested travel tips, and I thought I’d get someone on the show to talk about it. In this episode, I talk to Brooke Schoenman. She is the creator of Her Packing List, a resource for female travel gear and packing advice. Brooke has spent a lot of time coming up with ways to make a travelling “less is more” guide – she has even perfected packing with just a handbag! [02:19] Introducing Brooke Schoenman Brooke is from Illinois but has been living in Australia for he past 11 years. She lives with her partner and their rabbit, Sherlock Bunz. She was travelling the world in her 20s when she met an Australian guy in Europe.…
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Episode 26:  Spreading Positivity Around the World with Phil Calvert

Episode 26: Spreading Positivity Around the World with Phil Calvert

[podcast_subscribe id="715"] In this episode, I talk to Phil “Philwaukee” Calvert. He has been traveling the world, spreading positivity one destination at a time. We will discuss his incredible journey from playing professional basketball to traveling the world and having his own travel show on Matador Network, and his feature on the cover of Martinique Lewis’s ABC Travel Green Book. [02:04] Introducing Phil Calvert Phil started his travels while playing professional basketball in Europe. Traveling between countries there proved to be much easier and cheaper than back home in the US. This realization had him bitten by the travel bug, and his journey has taken him to many countries to experience their cultures and spread positivity. [02:18] On the cover of Martinique Lewis’s ABC Travel Green Book In episode 19,…
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Episode 25:  My Summer of COVID

Episode 25: My Summer of COVID

[podcast_subscribe id="715"] I was a little bit worried about doing this episode because this year has been so tough for so many people. My generation hasn’t experienced anything like what has happened this year. As a travel agent, my business took a major hit when the travel industry came to a halt. Despite all of this, I took it upon myself to make some changes in my life and have a positive outlook. This is how I made the best of it… [03:12] Getting out of the houseI’m so used to being between an office and home, and working on my travel business and my 9-to-5 job. I never really focused much on what was happening all around me outdoors. [05:17] This podcast!I’m one of those people that listens to…
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Episode 24:  What Travelers are Losing Due to COVID-19

Episode 24: What Travelers are Losing Due to COVID-19

[podcast_subscribe id="715"] Things are not the same anymore.As travelers, there are some things that have been taken away from our experiences –some luxuries, comforts, and conveniences that would have made for a better vacation. When I travel, it’s in comfort and safety. Since the pandemic hit, theregulations have affected our travel experiences – and I know it’s a good thing and it is about our safety, but we’ve still lost some things along the way. These might seem like “First World Problems”, but here are the things that I’ve noticed are no longer available to travelers. [02:05] Flying First Class has changedDue to COVID-19, some airlines are boarding the plane from the back to front to avoid people walking past each other, which meant First Class boarded last and alcohol…
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Episode 23:  My Solo Trip to Jamaica

Episode 23: My Solo Trip to Jamaica

[podcast_subscribe id="715"] In October 2020, I returned from a trip to Jamaica, and let me tell you something – it felt good breathing that fresh ocean air and having sand between my toes. It felt good all the way into the depths of my soul. As much as I want to reminisce about living my best life for 5 days in Jamaica, this episode is about traveling solo, and how I ended up taking this solo trip to Jamaica. There were struggles, I had internal battles, and I had to take some steps just to get there. [02:00] The Original PlanA group of people made plans to go to Jamaica in September. A couple of months later, Covid-19 showed up in the US. We thought for sure it would be…
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Episode 22:  Your Dream Vacation in St. Lucia with Keiwa Simpson

Episode 22: Your Dream Vacation in St. Lucia with Keiwa Simpson

[podcast_subscribe id="715"] In this episode, I talk to Keiwa Simpson. She is a vacation planner living in St. Lucia, and today she’s going to tell us about the beautiful, romantic Caribbean island of St. Lucia. [01:42] Introducing Keiwa SimpsonKeiwa Simpson is a local St. Lucian vacation planner. She has been in the tourism industry for 3 years, and she helps overworked couples put together their dream vacation on the island of St. Lucia (some say it’s the most beautiful island in the Caribbean!). Prior to getting into the world of travel, she taught high school science and Spanish. [03:49] Is there a “best spot” or are there several spots to vacation in?Keiwa says this is an easy answer but also a tough answer. There’s “The Heart and Soul” of St…
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Episode 21:  How & Why I Travel Several Times a Year

Episode 21: How & Why I Travel Several Times a Year

[podcast_subscribe id="715"] It’s episode 21 and in today’s episode, I’m going to tell you how and why I travel, and a little bit about my background. [01:19] How it all startedI grew up a child of divorce. This meant that I was often traveling by myself across the country, at a young age, to visit my dad. I say “travel”, but it was really between Nashville where I went to school and wherever my dad was stationed (he’s a retired marine) in the summer. [03:02] The Big Trips of the YearBack in my school and college days, I took two “major trips” every year.One was the Classic Football Game in Atlanta where TSU would play every year. In my college years, the other major trip of the year was Freaknik,…
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